The end of 2005! yay! I'm ready to say goodbye to this year. I could say this year sucked, and it did, and this year was really hard, and it was, but it was also very significant and good too...
a list of my 2005...
- Met and fell in love with Sam
- Became a team leader at work officially
- had an operation
- Breathed through my nose for the first time that I can remember
- Went to Bangladesh
- Lost friends
- Made friends
- Watched someone I knew well pass away
- spent too much time in hospitals
- lived with someone I didn't get along with well
- invented "Jo's fat camp" and helped my Dad loose almost 10kgs
- Enjoyed spending time and building relationships with people with disabilities more and more
- Seen what a dangerous relationship with drugs is like in 2 people I love very much
- Drank copious amounts of tea with my mum and loved it
- earned and spent more than ever
- Danced till dawn at least 5 times
- Pushed myself in good and bad directions
- Been sad
- Been happy and laughed and smiled a lot
All in all I have learnt so much this year, lots of self realisation and learnt about other people. I think its probably been positive. YAY FOR 2006!!!